
1.Liu Bai,Zhang Xiangyi,Shi Runhua,Zhang Mingwu,Zhang Guoxing.SEPSI: A Secure and Efficient Privacy-Preserving Set Intersection with Identity Authentication in IoT.Mathematics,2022
2.Bai Liu, Ou Ruan, Runhua Shi & Mingwu Zhang.Quantum private set intersection cardinality based on bloom flter.Scientifc Reports.2021
3.Bai Liu, Mingwu Zhang & Runhua Shi. Quantum Secure Multi-party Private Set Intersection Cardinality. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2020
4.Bai Liu, Ou Ruan, Runhua Shi & Mingwu Zhang. Quantum private set intersection cardinality based on bloom filter. Scientific Reports, 2021.
5.Run-hua Shi, Rui Zhang, Bai Liu, Mingwu Zhang.Cryptanalysis and improvement of Quantum Sealed-bid Auction.International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2020.
6.Run-Hua Shi, Jia-qi Qin, Bai Liu, Mingwu Zhang. Anonymous Quantum Voting Protocol Based on Chinese Remainder Theorem. European Physical Journal D, 2021
7.Run-hua Shi, Bai Liu, Mingwu Zhang. Verifiable Quantum Key Exchange with Authentication. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2021
8.Run-hua Shi, Bai Liu and Mingqu Zhang.Secure two-party integer comparison protocol without any third party. Quantum Information Processing, 2021.