吴歆韵,副教授,硕士生导师。2017年于华中科技大学计算机软件与理论专业获得博士学位,师从吕志鹏教授。2017年5月至2018年5月在加拿大西蒙菲莎大学应用数学系从事博士后研究工作。2018年5月起于304am永利集团软件工程系任教。主要研究方向为智能决策与优化,启发式优化、NP难问题求解等。在运筹优化、组合优化算法领域的国际及国内著名期刊上发表论文十余篇(如智能优化领域旗舰期刊INFORMS Journal on Computing,CCF推荐T1类期刊《中国科学:信息科学》和Frontiers of Computer Science,运筹学1区SCI期刊Omega等)。主持国家自然科学基金青年基金项目。获评湖北省高层次人才项目资助。
[1]Xinyun Wu; Zhipeng Lü#; Fred Glover; A Fast Vertex Weighting-Based Local Search for Finding Minimum Connected Dominating Sets,INFORMS journal on computing, 2022, 32(2):671-1304.UTD-24
[2]Xinyun Wu; Zhipeng lü#; Fred Glover, A matheuristic for a telecommunication network design problem with traffic grooming,Omega, 2020, 90(1): 102003. 1区SCI, JCR Q1.
[3]Xinyun Wu#; Caiquan Xiong; Na Deng; Dahai Xia; A variable depth neighborhood search algorithm for the Min–Max Arc Crossing Problem,Computers and Operations Research, 2021, 134(1): 105403. 2区SCI, JCR Q1.
[4]Caiquan Xiong; Hang Liu;Xinyun Wu#; Na Deng. A two-level meta-heuristic approach for the minimum dominating tree problem,Frontiers of Computer Science, 2023, 17: 171406.CCF T1,2区SCI, JCR Q2
[5]王灵敏; 周涛晴; 吕志鹏;吴歆韵#;求解最小连通支配集的变深度邻域搜索算法,中国科学:信息科学, 2016.4.13, 46(4): 445-460.CCF T1
[6]Xinyun Wu; Zhipeng Lü#;Phillipe Galinier; Restricted swap-based neighborhood search forthe minimum connected dominating set problem,Networks, 2017, 69(2): 222-236.SCI.
[7]Xinyun Wu; Zhipeng Lü#; Qi Guo; Tao Ye, Two-level iterated local search for WDM network design problem with traffic grooming,Applied Soft Computing, 2015, 37(1): 715-724. 2区SCI, JCR Q1.
[8]Chunzhi Wang; Yanlin Fu; Junyi Yan;Xinyun Wu#; Yucheng Zhang; Huiling Xia; Ye Yuan, A cost-efficient resemblance detection scheme for post-deduplication delta compression in backup systems,Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021, 34(4): 6558.SCI.
[9]Xinyun Wu; Tao Ye; Qi Guo; Zhipeng Lü#, GRASP for traffic grooming and routing with simple path constraints in WDM mesh networks,Computer Networks, 2015, 86: 27-39.SCI.
[10]Xinyun Wu; Shengfeng Yan; Xin Wan; Zhipeng Lü#, Muli-neighborhood based iterated tabu search for routing and wavelength assignment problem,Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016, 32(2): 445-468.SCI